Congenital infections of the newborn (TORCH – infections)

Переглядів:  519
Індекс: 00631
Congenital infections of the newborn (TORCH – infections). Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, preventive measures and prognosis : methodical recommendations for students of 5-th course of medical faculty / compliers O. V.  Buznytska, T. O. Holovko. – Kharkiv : V. N.  Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2018. – 28 p.

Methodical recommendations is worked out on the basis of the Program of discipline of «Pediatrics and and Children infectious diseases» for students of higher medical educational institutions of III–IV levels of accreditation, authorized by Ministry of Health of Ukraine. This recommendation is intended for the 5th years English speaking medical students.