Diabetes mellitus in children

Переглядів:  657
Індекс: 00627
Diabetes mellitus in children : methodical recommendations for students of 5th course of medical faculty / compliers O. M. Tsiura, T. O. Holovko. – Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2019. – 28 p.

The methodical recommendation include traditional parts: introduction, etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, classification and clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus in children at different age. Diagnostic, differential diagnosis, principles of treatment of diabetes mellitus in children were presented. This methodical recommendation include the description of the main acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Experience of determination the condition of a patient with acute complications of diabetes mellitus (comas), determination the basic principles of emergency care at coma, the ability to design a plan for further treatment is an important part of training the future physician.