Differential diagnosis of inherited, congenital and chronic diseases of respiratory tract in children

Переглядів:  601
Індекс: 00642
Differential diagnosis of inherited, congenital and chronic diseases of respiratory tract in children : methodical recommendations for medical students of the 6th years of study / compliers N. V. Kirianchuk, T. V. Zimnytska, L. O. Rakovska – Kharkiv : V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2019. – 28 p.

Methodical recommendations are worked out on the basis of the Program of discipline «Pediatrics, children infectious diseases» for students of higher medical educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, authorized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. These recommendations are intended for English-speaking medical students of the 6th year of study.