Practical Medical Chemistry

Переглядів:  753
Індекс: 00134
Practical Medical Chemistry : manual / S. V. Eltsov, N. A. Vodolazkaya. — Kh.: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2015. – 188 p.

Manual includes theory and laboratory exercises for the course «Medical Chemistry» for students of medical specialities of universities. It consists of mate-rial on selected topics of the course: chemical elements and periodic table of the elements, chemical bonding and complex formation, electrolytic dissociation, acid-ity and acid-base equilibria in solutions, colligative properties of solutions, thermo-chemistry, electrolytic conductance, electromotive force and galvanic cells, chemi-cal kinetics, formation and stability of dispersed systems, electrokinetic phenomena, adsorption.